The average apartment sale price was $347,729 in 2010 up 15% from 2009 with the average apartment price at $300 per square foot During the Miami building boom of the first decade of the 21st century 23,628 condominium and apartments were built in numerous high-rise towers that quickly transformed the city Over 85% of these apartments are now occupied as of early 2011 It is estimated that about 550 new residents move to Downtown every month Renters make up 56% of the residents in Downtown. In 1996 the school board revamped itself under pressure to boost minority representation expanding from seven to nine members all elected for the first time from single-member districts Due to this its number of black members doubled and its Hispanic members quadrupled the board also began a new program to create K-8 centers as a way of relieving overcrowding in middle schools. ! Kirill Reznik Once a firm decides to enter a foreign market it must decide on a mode of entry There are six different modes to enter a foreign market and each mode has pros and cons that are associated with it the firm must decide which mode is most appropriately aligned with the company's goals and objectives the six different modes of entry are exporting turnkey projects licensing franchising establishing joint ventures with a host-country firm or setting up a new wholly owned subsidiary in the host country. Hydrology Miami Florida Business directory There has been a Norwegian Seamen's church in Miami since the early 1980s in November 2011 Crown Princess Mette-Marit opened a new building for the church the church was built as a center for the 10,000 Scandinavians that live in Florida Around 4,000 of them are Norwegian the church is also an important place for the 150 Norwegians that work at Disney World.
. Hurricane season officially runs from June 1 through November 30 although hurricanes can develop beyond those dates the most likely time for Miami to be hit is during the peak of the Cape Verde season which is mid-August through the end of September Although tornadoes are uncommon in the area one struck in 1925 and another in 1997 Around 40% of homes in Miami are built upon floodplains and are considered as flood-risk zones, Miami Dade College (public) The area was affected by the Second Seminole War where Major William S Harney led several raids against the Indians Fort Dallas was located on Fitzpatrick's plantation on the north bank of the river Most of the non-Indian population consisted of soldiers stationed at Fort Dallas the Seminole War was the most devastating Indian war in American history,[citation needed] causing almost a total loss of native population in the Miami area the Cape Florida lighthouse was burned by Seminoles in 1836 and was not repaired until 1846. Government Center (NW 1st Street and 1st Avenue), Education households income and poverty 2.1 1900s to 1930s: the Magic City The Board of County Commissioners is the legislative body consisting of 13 members elected from single-member districts Members are elected to serve four-year terms and elections of members are staggered the Board chooses a Chairperson who presides over the Commission as well as appoints the members of its legislative committees the Board has a wide array of powers to enact legislation create departments and regulate businesses operating within the County it also has the power to override the Mayor's veto with a two-thirds vote. . Bayfront Park Amphitheatre Downtown Miami The urban bypass expressway in greater Fort Lauderdale is the Sawgrass Expressway (SR 869) connecting the northern Broward County coast at I-95 and Deerfield Beach to I-595 and I-75 at Alligator Alley in Sunrise, Water masses See also: Florida locations by per capita income Florida statistical areas List of power stations in Florida List of metropolitan areas of Florida List of municipalities in Florida and List of urbanized areas in Florida (by population). Households and families: There were 2,338,450 households the average household size was 2.6 people Families made up 65% of the households in the Miami area This figure includes both married-couple families (45%) and other families (20%) Nonfamily households made up 35% of all households in Miami Most of the nonfamily households were people living alone but some consisted of people living in households in which no one was related to the householder. In 2010 the largest ancestry groups were: Concourse G Southwest Florida 1 7656.
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